Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Welcome to Boots and Wildflowers! Here, you will hopefully find tidbits of inspiration,  helpful tips and strategies to use in your everyday life, and maybe a laugh or two. As a college student who is constantly trying new things, working at least one job, and keeping up with my hobbies (like crochet), I stay pretty busy (like most people) and am always looking for ways to streamline my schedule and make tedious things more efficient so that I can enjoy life. I would love to share with you the tools and strategies I use to do so.  On that note, that way of thinking is the background of the name of my blog. My dad has always taught me the importance of putting your boots on one at a time, standing on your own two feet, working hard, and stopping to enjoy and appreciate the small things- like wildflowers. :)

Anyway, I hope you find something here that will inspire or help you in some way, and if you have any suggestions for posts, questions, or other comments, feel free to let me know! :)

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